MiR Successful Proof of Concept in Healthcare Environment
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MiR Successful Proof of Concept in Healthcare Environment
To transport supplies to and fro in the Healthcare Industry
Currently, this task of transporting supplies to and fro from the supply store and healthcare environment is done by nurses. The supplies will be packed according to the operations scheduled for the day, and wheeled to the Healthcare Industry accordingly during different times of the day. Per day, the nurses must take multiple trips to complete this task. It takes up the nurses’ time which can be utilized more efficiently.
The safety of the nurses is also in consideration as they will require to push heavy carts to and fro many times a day. This might cause fatigue to the nurses.
Furthermore, as the ageing population increases, more healthcare facilities are built. There is an upcoming shortage of healthcare professionals to run these facilities.
Understanding these pain points of the healthcare industry, we work with authorities to allow us to do a proof of concept on how this can be done. The robots pick up the supplies from the supply stores, allocated for which healthcare industry, and the robot will transport them to the doorstep of the location. It can also integrate with auto doors and elevators to reach its final destination.
If there are ad-hoc requirements, healthcare industry nurses will also be able to put in an urgent request on their tablet, and the robots will prioritize this mission to deliver the supplies to the location.
These will free up the nurses’ time to attend to other, more critical tasks and relieve them of manual work.
With this, we expect more healthcare facilities to automate manual and repetitive work through similar robotics solutions. This will overall increase the efficiency of all healthcare facilities.
To know more, Contact us to find out how our expert team can help you!
Robot moving in to pick up the cart.
Able to roam freely in the healthcare environment.
Can coexist with healthcare workers
Able to evade random obstacles
Go into tight spaces